Sunday, January 23, 2011

Days 20-23

Day 20 - yet another dr's office

After 5 1/2 months of being sick, I finally got a dr to do something about how cruddy I've been feeling.

Day 21 - my mess

Sure, I keep my teaching space nice and clean, but man, as you can see my desk is a mess.

Day 22 - Jenna's final dolphin

They compromised. Jason wanted to poke a hole through the dolphin, Jenna didn't. Jenna won and they made a wave for the dolphin to be on.

Day 23 - tooth #?

I don't know what tooth # this is for her, but this one she pulled herself. Hopefully the tooth fairy doesn't forget to come.

Oh, and here's the link to what I did a while ago with my class.

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